Our approach to litigation is simple - obtain our client's objectives as expeditiously and efficiently as possible. Our experienced team of heatlhcare litigators are available to represent you in litigation related to yours or your practice's needs, including but not limited to:
- Partnership Disputes
- Trademark Disputes
- Insurance Disputes
- Privileges Disputes
- National Practitioner Databank Disputes
- Trade Secret Disputes
- Contract Disputes
We understand that litigation is not a forum you may be familiar with, and that litigation may be costly. We work with our clients from the start of our representation in a transparent manner, detailing process and potential expense given the circumstance and strategy.
For assistance with a healthcare litigation matter, contact Jennifer Kirschenbaum, Esq. at (516) 747-6700 x. 302 or at Jennifer@Kirschenbaumesq.com.