Jennifer Kirschenbaum, Esq. and the K&K team assist doctors of dental surgery and doctors of dental medicine in all areas of practice, including practice start-up (PC/PLLC selection and formation, first lease, patient forms, compliance, onboarding and employee policies, financing documents), buy/sells, employment and independent contractor arrangements and department of labor audits, employment/partnership and buy-out contracts, Office of Professional Discipline matters, patient issues, compliance (kickback, HIPAA and OSHA), management and vendor arrangements, leases, real estate purchases and litigation.
K&K is proud to serve as a member on the New York State Dental Association's legal panels (member since 2011), and to work closely with the Queens County Dental Society. We hope to see you at the Greater Long Island Dental Meeting!
Have a question for Jennifer or believe you may require legal assistance? Call or email her at (516) 747-6700 x. 302 or at Looking for residency program education? Ask Jennifer to speak about practice purchases and employment arrangements or compliance.
Recent Engagements
- Victory at trial for a NYSDA member seeking to enforce rights under a purchase agreement.
- Closure without interview or penalty at OPD for orthodontist client with marketing alleged violation.
- Creation of regional Dental Management Company Organization; serve as General Counsel responsible for legal services related to expansion efforts, onboarding/contractual arrangements, employee/patient issues and compliance.
- Counsel to Purchasers in Manhattan, Long Island, Westchester, New Jersey and California practice purchases.
- Counsel to Sellers in Long Island, Westchester, Manhattan, New Jersey and Florida.
- Department of Labor audit related to employee classification and overtime issues.
- Employment contract/restrictive covenant drafting for numerous clients.
K&K Resources
(1) Team Building
Ask us for a referral for a healthcare accountant, practice broker or bank relationship. We are here to assist you.
(2) Bi-Weekly Healthcare Newsletter
Register for our free bi-weekly newsletters by clicking here. Have a question for the newsletter? Email Jennifer Kirschenbaum
(3) K&K Webinars
Looking for a particular practice topic on your own time? Check out our previously recorded webinars on your own time by clicking here.
(4) Published Articles
View recently published articles here:
- Practice Purchases and Sales - Keeping Everyone Satisfied
- Protecting Practice Value through Restrictive Covenant
- Making Compliance a Priority Today May Save Your Practice from OMIG Tomorrow, NYSDA printed version
- Medicaid Fraud and Compliance Issues, An Update - NYSDA News
- Compliance Requirements for Receiving or Ordering Medicaid Payable Dental Services - QCDS News