September 30, 2010



    With 19 years of providing this service, I would like to share a little of my experience.  We have over 1000 clients on a PERS and 3700 residential, business mix. 

We have made it a policy to NOT take any medical information.  A client may have 5 meds change during the year also when EMS responds, I do not want the medic to go in assuming heart issues and now the client has a stroke.

    Operating our own central station allows us to put our PERS (and wireless panic) clients on a bi monthly testing, whereas during down times, clients receive a call asking them to test their units.  Two way voice we do not offer and disable.  It takes longer for a dispatch during a real emergence when seconds matter.  It’s a great gizmo, but in real life, a verification call is a black/white decision for a dispatcher to make.

    Lastly, all clients receive a free yearly service call to change the battery in the pendent.

    We feel that by taking an active role, this prevents many issues while adding the most important thing, we receive a ton of referrals.

Greg White

American Alert

Geneva, Ohio

