October 17, 2011




comment on Can local law change NFPA 72 Verification required for commercial fire alarms


We have a similar situation here in Orange County, California, where the county has decided that if the central station receives a restore on the zone they will NOT roll at all, forget verification they simply just don't go at all.

This flies in the face of everything in NFPA 72 with respect to dispatch first and roll. I have a request from the state fire marshal for an official clarification.

Morgan Hertel, Vice President and General Manager

Mace CS



A "supervising station" my company uses assigns two operators to a commercial fire alarm signal. One calls the premise and the other calls the local fire department. The calls can be linked through the phone system so the fire department can talk directly to the premise, similar to three way calling. Of course, if no answer at the premise, a dispatch occurs. In this case a second verify can not apply.


Security By Elmore Inc


alarm industry history tid bid




Does anyone remember back in the "old days", about an RJ31x jack requirement?

I'm trying to determine when it changed that the alarm companies could NOT install our own RJ31x and the phone company had to, and when it was that we all of a sudden didn't need them to do it, and that we could do our own???

Any history buffs out there?

Roy Pollack, CPP SET, Director of Compliance

Devcon Security Services Corp




Prior to January 1, 1984 both the exterior and interior wiring was the property of the Bell Companies. After that date the interior wiring after the demarcation point was designated as the property of the subscriber and the alarm companies could install their own equipment without any special interface protection equipment from the phone company.

Mark S. Fischer
