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Letter to customers who still need 3G upgrade / webinar registration
April 26,  2022
Letter to customers who still need 3G upgrade
          Do you have any recommendations / letters / procedures for customers that have lost or will lose cell services for fire, security alarm, and elevator phones?   We have a number of clients that have not responded to our initial attempts to contact them.
Name withheld
          Too many of you are still experiencing this problem.  I don’t have a one fits all letter because I think most if not every customer is going to have a different variation of either neglect [on your part] or failure to communicate [on the customer’s part].  Certainly if they have already lost monitoring service they should know about it.  Haven’t you installed all your systems with line failure detection?  Can they set their burglar alarm if the communication is down? 
          How long have you known about the 3G issue?
          When did you first let your customers know?
          What efforts since the first notice have you made?
          Is radio primary or back-up?
          The 3G upgrade reminds me of the 2G upgrade.  Unless I am mistaken the alarm industry lived through that as well.  I know that the 3G date kept getting delayed, so perhaps crying wolf so often lulled the alarm industry into thinking it just wasn’t going to happen.
          And the communication carriers picked a hell of a time to finally pull the plug, right in the midst of a pandemic and supply chain clog-up; now with inflation resulting in price increases when you can even get the products you need. 
          I’m not sure if the alarm industry legitimately delayed upgrading the customers, or if there was any delay at all.  But it seems that those that chose to ignore the looming deadline are now caught like deer in headlights.
          You need to let your customers know that they don’t have monitoring; that’s for sure.  Normal channels of communication can be relied on, such as email and first class mail delivered by the US Postal Service.  You can call your customer and be sure to document your call with contemporaneous notes. 
          Check your contract with your customer.  If you have a Kirschenbaum Contract™ then I know your contractual obligations, rights and responsibilities.  If you don’t have a Standard Form Agreement then you better check to see how the contract deals with this kind of situation.  If you have the responsibility to replace equipment and maintain the operation of the alarm system then you better get cracking.  If some of all of that responsibility falls on the customer then it’s the customer who will be accountable. 
          I am curious how everyone is dealing with the upgrade if you still are.

Webinar on assistance getting licensed
Webinar Title:  Filing for and renewing your alarm license
Topic Details:  Once you know where you need the license and what license you need, and you know you’re qualified, The Cmoor Group handles the minutia details filing for the license and has the software to monitor for renewal compliance.
When:  May 3, 2022 at 12 PM ET
Presenter:  Connie Moorhead, President of The CMOOR Group. or call 502-254-1590, ext. 101
Hosted by: Ken Kirschenbaum,Esq
Who should attend:  license holders, license compliance officers, owners, managers
Register Here:
To order up to date Standard Form Alarm /  Security / Fire and related Agreements click here:
CONCIERGE LAWYER SERVICE PROGRAM FOR THE ALARM INDUSTRY You can check out the program and sign up here: or contact our Program Coordinator Stacy Spector, Esq at 516 747 6700 x 304.
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Ken Kirschenbaum,Esq
Kirschenbaum & Kirschenbaum PC
Attorneys at Law
200 Garden City Plaza
Garden City, NY 11530
516 747 6700 x 301