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Jamming DIY security systems – emerging threat
/ webinar registration

March 3, 2022
Webinar Schedule: See below for details and Registration
March 8, 2022.         Recruiting, hiring and retaining field talent
March 9, 2022          Insurance Broker contribution to Due Diligence in                                    acquisition transaction
Jamming DIY security systems – emerging threat
          When I was on SIA’s Board, circa 2019, I engaged with a reporter from Consumer Reports (CR) regarding an article he was writing on DIY security systems.   I have stayed in contact with the reporter since then.  A few weeks ago, he reached out to me about a follow up article.   CR had conducted tests on six DIY systems to determine if wireless signals to the panels could be jammed under certain conditions.   Three of Six systems tested failed and could be penetrated.  He reached out to me for comment.  We mutually decided that I should not know the six that were tested as I did not want to be swayed in any way.
          I wrote a lengthy response knowing it would be cut down to fit the reporter’s needs.   I also confirmed my hypothesis and statements with a few manufacturers before I pressed the send button.  I am pleased with the outcome, and he sent It to me.  
          I continue to stress the importance of a security professional that provides ongoing service to the end user and therefore has a vested interest in making sure that the consumer is receiving the security they deserve.   Here is the snippet from the article. The link to the entire article is below which incorporates comments from the manufacturers that failed. He also related that he plans to update the 2019 article and I supplied additional comments. 
          “The good news is that the intelligence required to evaluate a home security system and jam it with a specialized RF transceiver is beyond the capabilities of the vast majority of burglars,” says Kirk MacDowell, CEO of security consulting firm MacGuard Security Advisors. Still, MacDowell adds that legitimate systems should offer jam detection, as well as encryption to prevent attackers from eavesdropping on these wireless signals.”
          He says good quality professionally installed systems offer these protection features, but not all DIY systems sold at retail do the same.
          Here is the link:
Kirk Macdowell, CEO
MacGuard Security Advisors

Webinar:  Registration - sign up today
Webinar Title:  Recruiting, hiring and retaining field talent
When:  March 8, 2022 12 PM ET
Topic Details:  Even before the pandemic, hiring and retaining field talent in the security industry was growing increasingly difficult.  This webinar will explore the best ways to find talent, prequalify them and develop enthusiasm to consider joining your team as well as how to quickly determine if a candidate’s psychomotor skills match their resume. Webinar will discuss skill matrixes and why they are valuable tools to incentivize and retain talent, help improve morale and promote consistent, transparent compensation.
Presenter:  Peter Goldring, SET, NICET #143428 Fire Alarm Systems, Level IV, ACFE Certified Fraud Examiner.  Peter M. Goldring Consulting LLC Phone  516-640-1410
Hosted by:  Ken Kirschenbaum,Esq.,
Who should attend:   Company owners, CEOs, CFOs, Manager, Human Resource Personnel
Register Here:
Webinar Title:  Insurance Broker contribution to Due Diligence in acquisition transaction
When:  March 9, 2022 12 PM ET
Topic Details:  Due Diligence to varying degree is essential in an acquisition transaction.  Insurance considerations are best reviewed by an insurance expert.
Presenter:  Shawn Iverson, CIC The Insurance Center,  Ogden, UT   801-622-2626
Hosted by:  Ken Kirschenbaum,Esq.,
Who should attend:   Company owners, CEOs, CFOs, personnel involved in acquisitions
Register Here:

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Ken Kirschenbaum,Esq
Kirschenbaum & Kirschenbaum PC
Attorneys at Law
200 Garden City Plaza
Garden City, NY 11530
516 747 6700 x 301