how are you dealing with COVID / What are your responsibilities to employees regarding health issues / sign up for next webinar November 1, 2021
Homepage > Alarm & Security Law > Alarm Articles > how are you dealing with COVID / What are your responsibilities to employees regarding health issues / sign up for next webinar November 1, 2021
KEN KIRSCHENBAUM, ESQ ALARM - SECURITY INDUSTRY LEGAL EMAIL NEWSLETTER / THE ALARM EXCHANGE You can read all of our articles on our website. Having trouble getting our emails? Change your spam controls and white list ****************************** how are you dealing with COVID / What are your responsibilities to employees regarding health issues / sign up for next webinar November 1, 2021 ********************* Next Webinar: Title: Borrowing and finance option: DealerAlly Program When: November 9, 2021 12 pm ET Presented by: Tim Meekin, President of DealerAlly, LLC Hosted by: Ken Kirschenbaum,Esq Who should attend: alarm owners, CEOs, CFOs, Sales Managers Registerhere: *************************** how are you dealing with COVID **************************** Ken, Are alarm company owners mandating COVID vaccines? What there policies are concerning COVID related absences? I’ve spent the equivalent of an additional well paid employee in absences related to COVID exposures or cases. Much more than 2020. Anon ****************************** Response ****************************** I’ll need to hear from others on this because not many alarm companies have asked about whether they can or should require vaccines. I can say that I did encourage my employees to get vaccinated but did not terminate or curtail any employment for those that didn’t comply for whatever reason, though they were asked to wear masks in common areas of the office. Of course my employees don’t go to people’s homes or businesses to work on their property, or work in close proximity to other employees. There is no law requiring the vaccine or masks in the office, as far as I know. ********************************* What are your responsibilities to employees regarding health issues ********************************* I don’t normally introduce a topic when I don’t know the answer [some of you would disagree I suppose, at least the right answer] but employment law is a fairly complicated area of practice. Covid has made it more complicated. K&K has an employment practice headed by Jennifer Kirschenbaum. If you need employment related advice, call or email her: or 516 747 6700 x 302. Some topics that come up are: Workplace safety Safety on jobsites Vacation and time off Sick leave Family leave Compensation Commission draw Participation in recurring revenue Ownership track and sweat equity Are employees a good exit strategy for you when you retire Does equity make employees more reliable Most of these issues should be and are addressed in the Employment Agreement and Employee Handbook, which K&K does customize state to state. Of course these forms do need your insight and input since many issues depend on policies you want to implement as long as they don’t violate the law in your jurisdiction. Whether you have one employee or hundreds you may be surprised to know that complying with employment law requires legal counsel. Don’t learn that lesson the hard way. ***************************** To order up to dateStandard Form Alarm / Security / Fire and related Agreements, click here: ************************* CONCIERGE LAWYER SERVICE PROGRAM FOR THE ALARM INDUSTRY - New benefit just added - worth $75 per month - legal form letter sent to delinquent account on Kirschenbaum letterhead You can check out the program and sign up here: or contact our Program Coordinator Stacy Spector, Esq at 516 747 6700 x 304. *********************** NOTICE: You can always read our Articles on our website at *********************** THE ALARM EXCHANGE
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