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Comment on Tax and risk issues for remote cs operators
November 2, 2023
Comment on Tax and risk issues for remote cs operators / who’s responsible for false alarms from article on October 14, 2023
          This is another non-issue but good for you to beat the drum about work at home operators for central stations.
          Again, for the record my company, USA Central Station Alarm Corp, does not now or in the past employed work from home operators. I don’t believe in it and no argument will convince me otherwise.
          But on this tax issue? What a poor angle for an article because any well-constructed and professionally operated central station worth any consideration has been operating second (or more) redundant offices for many years. In USA’s case we started in 1982, opened or second and third redundant offices in 2000 and 2003 respectfully.
          So your whole discussion about multi-state jurisdictions means nothing to USA and a handful of other central stations as we have been in compliance for many years.
          Have a great day,
Bart A. Didden
U.S.A. Central Station Alarm Corp.
Port Chester, NY
Milford, CT
St. Paul, MN
Pasco, WA
          Bart, not sure if this will come as a shock to you, but I don’t really write or circulate these articles just for you.  In fact I don’t do it for any single group, dealers, central stations, manufacturers, insurance brokers or companies, but for the entire alarm / security / PERS / medical alert / fire alarm / fire protective industry.  Taxes are not my favorite topic, but just maybe someone got something out of Mitch’s article.
          USA Central doesn’t have work from home, or anywhere else other than the cs facilities, operators, so I can see how the article may not have had any relevance to you.  But some central stations do have work from home operators and they may have found the article pertinent.  USA has a few facilities so it already pays taxes in these jurisdictions, presumably.  The article pointed out that if operators work in other jurisdictions then that location would also subject the central station to tax reporting in that state.
          Interestingly enough, though maybe not for you, having remote workers in another state would likely subject the employer to that state’s employment laws and practices, which as you know, extends well beyond tax compliance.  There may be hour restrictions, wage requirements, benefit requirements, other employment requirements and insurance requirements; who knows what else.  Presumably the central stations employing work from home operators have considered this, and if not, better call Mitch for the taxes and K&K Employment Dept for the labor issues.
          Incidentally, these multi-state legal issues would not just affect central stations, but any business that permits work from home employees; that would include dealers, manufacturers and other vendors with techs, sales or other admin employees who work from home in a different state

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Ken Kirschenbaum,Esq
Kirschenbaum & Kirschenbaum PC
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