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Comment on attrition considerations and what's spurring the alarm business
August 3, 2022
Comment on attrition considerations  
            First time in a while I felt I should chime in on an article. 
            We have had zero cancellations due to a sense of poor/no Police response. As a matter of fact, we are
having people sign up ONLY to either get the insurance discount, or because their insurance company 
required it (read that as Chubb).  We had two people just last week that want ONLY fire monitoring in
their home and to text the subscriber only if the burg alarm goes off.  These houses were $2.5 & $6 million
            Much of this is due to being in an affluent DC suburb. Our average house value is about $1.2 million. We are even getting a lot of requests for sprinkler monitoring for the homes that have it as well as water 
or flood detection. 
            In short, the insurance industry is adding far more accounts that poor policing may be losing. 
Dave Huthwaite
Digital Security, Inc.
Since 1987
            Thank goodness to the insurance industry who offers discounts for alarm service and in many cases won't write the insurance without alarm services.
            Thank goodness to the municipalities that require fire alarm in commercial structures and require inspection and monitoring.
            Thank goodness to landlords who require that their tenants install cameras and other security devices.
            Thank goodness to municipalities that are requiring sprinkler systems in new homes that need alarm monitoring
            Thank goodness to [some] news outlets that remind us [daily] that crime is rampant.
            Thank goodness to all you alarm dealers who protect the public and get your updated contracts from K&K.  Seriously, thanks for contributing.
            Thanks again.

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Ken Kirschenbaum,Esq
Kirschenbaum & Kirschenbaum PC
Attorneys at Law
200 Garden City Plaza
Garden City, NY 11530
516 747 6700 x 301