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[RSBC 1996] CHAPTER 410
In good faith
Insolvent person
Deliverable state
Part 2 — Formation of the Contract
Sale and agreement to sell
Capacity to buy and sell
Contract of sale
Existing or future goods
Goods that have perished
Goods perishing before sale but after agreement to sell
Ascertainment of price
Agreement to sell at valuation
Stipulations as to time
Condition may be treated as warranty
Implied undertaking as to title, and implied warranty of quiet possession
Sale by description
Implied conditions as to quality or fitness
Sale by sample
No waiver of warranties or conditions
Part 3 — Effect of the Contract
Goods must be ascertained
Property passes according to intent of parties
Intention of the parties as to the passing of the property in the goods
Reservation of right of disposal
Risk passes with property
Sale by person not owner
Market overt
Sale under voidable title
Revesting of property in stolen goods on conviction of offender
Seller or buyer in possession after sale
Part 4 — Performance of the Contract
Duties of seller and buyer
Payment and delivery are concurrent conditions
Rules as to delivery
Delivery of wrong quantity
Installment deliveries
Delivery to carrier
Risk if goods are delivered at distant place
Buyer's right of examining goods
Buyer not bound to return rejected goods
Liability of buyer for neglecting or refusing to take delivery of goods
Part 5 — Rights of Unpaid Seller Against the Goods
Unpaid seller and seller
Unpaid seller's rights
Unpaid seller's lien
Part delivery
Termination of lien
Right to stop goods in transit
Duration of transit
How right to stop in transit exercised
Effect of subsale or pledge by buyer
Sale not generally rescinded by exercise of right of lien or stoppage in transit
Part 6 — Actions for Breach of the Contract
Action for price
Damages for nonacceptance
Damages for nondelivery
Specific performance
Remedy for breach of warranty
Interest and special damages
Part 7 — Disposition of Goods by Agents
Disposition by mercantile agent
Pledge of documents of title
60 A pledge of the documents of title to goods is deemed to be a pledge of the goods.
Pledge for earlier debt
Exchange of goods or documents
Agreements through clerks
Consignors and consignees
Effect of transfer of documents on vendor's lien or right of stoppage in transit
Transfer of documents
True owner
Common law powers of agent
Part 8 — Supplementary Provisions