

  Have a subscriber who we feel may be experiencing a foreclosure situation on their home. The home is outfitted with an old model AlarmNet Long Range Radio as back-up. Alarmnet is complaining that it is experiencing multiple daily signals from this residence and we have made multiple attempts to contact the homeowner and all others on their emergency contact list without any success. We send a technician to the residence with no response at the front door on more then 3 occasions. All our mail has been ignored. What options are left to disconnect this device other then to hope a lightning strike lands near the house frying the radio ???


Superior Security Sys



         This is one reason all of my contracts - - provide for remote access to reprogram the system; especially important to shut down run away signals.  Your system is not however remote programmable, so the contract provision wouldn't do you much good.

    Unfortunately, without permission granted access the premises you are out of luck.  You could commence a lawsuit to gain access, but that would be costly and not practical. 

    You should upgrade your systems, make them reprogram able and while you are at it get new contracts signed.