Chapter 6A.34
6A.34.010 Purpose.
6A.34.020 Definitions.
6A.34.030 Emergency response card.
6A.34.040 Communications center audio-visual alarm panels.
6A.34.040.01 Modification of transmitters required.
6A.34.050 Recommendations of the fire chief or designee.
6A.34.060 Connection fees.
6A.34.060.01 Monitoring fees.
6A.34.070 False alarms.
6A.34.080 Ownership and maintenance.
6A.34.090 Tampering with fire and/or burglar alarm systems.
6A.34.100 Work on auxiliary systems – Notice.
6A.34.110 Automatic calling devices prohibited.
6A.34.120 Administrative decisions, notice.
6A.34.130 Appeal from administrative decision, finality.
6A.34.140 Private agencies.
6A.34.150 Violation – Penalties.
6A.34.010 Purpose.
It is the intent of this chapter to set forth standards for the installation, maintenance and removal of fire alarms and burglar alarms within the city; and to reduce the number of false alarms occurring within the city and resultant waste of city resources by providing for corrective administrative action, including fees and potential disconnection and criminal penalties. (Ord. 2585 § 1, 1985; Ord. 2553 § 1.01, 1984)
6A.34.020 Definitions.
(1) “Authorized service personnel” means those persons who, by reason of their experience, trade or occupation, have met the minimum state requirements for serving such alarm systems and who are licensed by the state of Washington to work on an alarm system.
(2) “Burglar alarm” means, for purposes of this chapter, the transmission of an alarm by automatic alarm systems and circuits leading to the connection with the municipal alarm system or any component part thereof for the purpose of summoning the police department when a burglary or emergency is occurring.
(3) “False alarm” means:
(a) The activation of a burglar and/or a robbery alarm for the purposes of summoning the police at a time when no burglary or robbery is being committed or attempted on the premises; or
(b) The activation of a fire alarm caused by defective or improperly maintained equipment for the purpose of summoning the fire department at a time when no fire or emergency is occurring.
(4) “Fire alarm” means, for the purposes of this chapter, the transmission of an alarm by automatic alarm systems and circuits leading to the connection with the municipal alarm system or any component part thereof for the purpose of summoning the fire department when a fire or emergency is occurring.
(5) “Person” means any natural person, firm, partnership, corporation or unincorporated association.
(6) “Premises” means any building, structure, enclosure, real property or vehicle. (Ord. 2585 § 1, 1985; Ord. 2553 § 1.01, 1984)
6A.34.030 Emergency response card.
It is unlawful to have or maintain on any premises a burglary and/or robbery alarm or fire alarm unless there is on file with the police department and/or fire department, as the case may be, an emergency response card containing no more than three names and current phone numbers of persons authorized to enter the premises if summoned. Names and phone numbers shall be provided in writing to the Wenatchee police and/or fire department, as the case may be.
In the event the person or persons identified on the emergency response card are unavailable, or decline to respond to the scene of any alarm activation immediately upon being summoned, the person responsible for the alarm system shall pay a fee of $50.00 for each failure to respond. (Ord. 3140 § 1, 1995; Ord. 2585 § 1, 1985; Ord. 2553 § 1.01, 1984)
6A.34.040 Communications center audio-visual alarm panels.
Each premises required by state law or city of Wenatchee ordinance, or required by the fire chief of the city of Wenatchee, shall connect such premises fire alarm or burglary alarm system to the city of Wenatchee communication center audio visual alarm panels. The fire chief of the city of Wenatchee shall take into consideration the life and property hazard utilizing the standards of the Uniform Fire Code then effective for the city of Wenatchee in requiring any such connection. (Ord. 2869 § 4, 1990; Ord. 2585 § 1, 1985; Ord. 2553 § 1.01, 1984)
6A.34.040.01 Modification of transmitters required.
All premises transmitting an alarm signal to the city of Wenatchee alarm system shall, not later than July 1, 1991, modify such premises transmitting system so that it may be received by the city of Wenatchee Ademco 685 receiver. (Ord. 2869 § 5, 1990)
6A.34.050 Recommendations of the fire chief or designee.
(1) Prior to and before any alarm system may be installed which terminates within the communications system of the city of Wenatchee, an application shall be made with the fire chief or his designee. The fire chief or his designee shall, within a reasonable time, and after review of the facts in respect thereto, either approve, or deny, all, or any part of such alarm system, installation, or termination. In reaching his determination, the fire chief or his designee shall consider, among others, the following factors:
(a) Whether the system, or component thereof, meets the standards set forth in UFC and UBC;
(b) Whether the system, or component thereof, is adequate to meet the needs for which its installation is requested;
(c) The effectiveness of the system or the component thereof;
(d) Compatibility of the system, or the component part thereof, with existing equipment;
(e) Each premises transmitting a signal on “Sescoa” transmitting equipment which is required by this chapter to connect to the city of Wenatchee communications center audio visual alarm panel shall do so by February 1, 1991. Any premises not connecting shall be responsible for alternative monitoring and such alternative monitoring source shall, no later than February 1, 1991, notify the city of Wenatchee in writing as to those premises not connecting to the city of Wenatchee system.
(2) This section shall apply to all alarm systems or components thereof in existence on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter as well as all future alarm systems or component parts thereof. If any alarm system, or component part thereof, does not meet the standards required by this chapter, it shall be removed under the direction of the fire chief or his designee. (Ord. 2869 § 3, 1990; Ord. 2585 § 1, 1985; Ord. 2553 § 1.01, 1984)
6A.34.060 Connection fees.
All existing fire alarm systems providing the alarm signal transmitted to the communication system of the city of Wenatchee shall, at such time as their alarm system is connected to the newly installed Ademco 685 digital fire alarm receiver system, pay a connection fee of $100.00. (Ord. 2869 § 1, 1990; Ord. 2585 § 1, 1985; Ord. 2553 § 1.01, 1984)
6A.34.060.01 Monitoring fees.
There is hereby established a monitoring fee of $15.00 per month per transmitter from each premises connected to the city alarm system. Those premises receiving a city utility bill shall pay such monitoring fee in response to the city utility billing on a monthly basis.
Those premises not on city utility billing shall pay on a semi-annual basis in advance the sum of $15.00 per month per transmitter. Such payment in advance shall be paid each six months, on January 31st and July 31st of each year for services for that calendar year.
Any premises transmitting an alarm signal to the city alarm system shall have the option, notwithstanding the aforesaid monitoring fee, to pay the sum of $2,500 in lieu of the connection fee established by WCC 6A.34.060 and the monitoring fee established by WCC 6A.34.060.01, which said sum of $2,500 shall be until such time as the Ademco 685 system is replaced by the city of Wenatchee, or at such time as the Wenatchee Fire Department 911 Center for any reason no longer monitors fire alarm systems as a part of its normal operation. (Ord. 2869 § 2, 1990)
6A.34.070 False alarms.
(1) Police. Each and every burglary alarm requiring a response within the city of Wenatchee shall be allowed two false alarms during any calendar year. Thereafter, each false alarm shall be assessed a $50.00 fee.
(2) Fire. Each and every false alarm requiring a response within the city of Wenatchee shall be allowed one false alarm during any 30-day period. Thereafter, each false alarm in said 30-day period shall be assessed a fee of $50.00.
(3) Audible Alarm. Any alarm audible upon abutting property for a period in excess of 20 minutes is declared to be a public nuisance and may be summarily abated by the police or fire department. (Ord. 3140 § 2, 1995; Ord. 2585 § 1, 1985; Ord. 2553 § 1.01, 1984)
6A.34.080 Ownership and maintenance.
Ownership and maintenance of alarm systems, circuits leading to the connection with the municipal alarm system, or any component parts thereof, except as herein provided, shall remain and be the responsibility of the person owning or leasing the property. (Ord. 2585 § 1, 1985; Ord. 2553 § 1.01, 1984)
6A.34.090 Tampering with fire and/or burglar alarm systems.
(1) Tampering. It shall be unlawful for any person to tamper with or to wantonly cut, break, deface, or actuate any alarm device (including auxiliary alarm devices, wires or wire supports, or appurtenances thereto), or intentionally to transmit an alarm knowing no emergency exists.
(2) Exception. Subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to city employees in the police division or fire department engaged in their official duties.
(3) Exception – Manufacturer’s Representatives. Subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to any competent representative of a manufacturer of burglar alarm equipment or fire alarm equipment who, with the consent of the chief of police or fire chief, is modifying, adjusting, altering, repairing, or replacing the system or any of its component equipment.
(4) Exception – Insurance Rating Engineer. Subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to any competent insurance rating engineer who is testing the system in discharge of his duties and with permission of the chief of police or fire chief. (Ord. 2585 § 1, 1985; Ord. 2553 § 1.01, 1984)
6A.34.100 Work on auxiliary systems – Notice.
Any person doing any work on an auxiliary alarm system that may cause a signal to be transmitted over the city system shall notify the chief of police or fire chief before doing such work, stating the time and place thereof. (Ord. 2585 § 1, 1985; Ord. 2553 § 1.01, 1984)
6A.34.110 Automatic calling devices prohibited.
No person shall use or operate, or attempt to use or operate, or cause to be used or operated, or arrange, adjust, program, or otherwise provide or install any device or combination of devices that will, upon activation, either mechanically, electronically, or by other automatic means, initiate a telephonic or recorded message to any telephone number assigned, or any additional telephone numbers assigned, to any rotary system of the city of Wenatchee including, but not limited to, the city of Wenatchee police department or fire department. (Ord. 2585 § 1, 1985; Ord. 2553 § 1.01, 1984)
6A.34.120 Administrative decisions, notice.
Notice of imposition of any administrative sanction, including the imposition of a fee or order of disconnection, under the provisions of this chapter, shall be given to the person having or maintaining a burglary, robbery and/or fire alarm on premises owned or occupied by him, providing that with respect to business premises, the owner, manager, or chief administrative agent regularly assigned and employed on the premises at the time of the occurrence of a false alarm shall be presumed to be the person having or maintaining said alarm on said business premises. (Ord. 2585 § 1, 1985; Ord. 2553 § 1.01, 1984)
6A.34.130 Appeal from administrative decision, finality.
Any person subject to the imposition of a fee, order of disconnection or other administrative sanction under the terms of this chapter, shall have a right of appeal therefrom to the code enforcement board. Unless notice of appeal is filed with the chief of police or fire chief, as the case may warrant, within 10 days of receipt of notice of imposition of administrative sanction, said sanction is deemed to be final. (Ord. 2001-02 § 8; Ord. 2585 § 1, 1985; Ord. 2553 § 1.01, 1984)
6A.34.140 Private agencies.
Any private agency, business or other entity monitoring fire, burglary or robbery alarm systems within the corporate limits of the city of Wenatchee shall notify either the Wenatchee fire department or the Wenatchee police department, as the case may be, immediately upon receiving an alarm. All other notifications shall be secondary. Any private agency, business or other entity making a vehicular response to an alarm shall not display emergency lighting or otherwise disregard any traffic signals, speed restrictions or other laws in responding to said alarm. (Ord. 2585 § 1, 1985; Ord. 2553 § 1.01, 1984)
6A.34.150 Violation – Penalties.
Every person convicted of a violation of any provision of this chapter shall be punished by a fine of not more than $300.00 or by imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Every firm or corporation convicted of a violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be punished by a fine of not more than $300.00. (Ord. 2585 § 1, 1985; Ord. 2553 § 1.01, 1984)