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Why professional installation beats DIY according to alarm professional
December 25, 2020
Why professional installation beats DIY according to alarm professional
            With all the DIY systems, marketing and promotions you have to wonder what future professionally installed alarms have, except for commercial fire perhaps.  Most alarm company owners have thought about it.  Wayne Wahrsager has been an alarm professional for over 35 years and has immense experience in the alarm industry.  He recently authored an article circulated to his customers and, with his permission, I’d like to share it with you.

            “Whether you’re shopping in person or online this holiday season, you’re bound to see many “off the shelf” DIY home security systems. Most of these promise a “plug and play” experience, which means you can install them with little-to-no technical expertise. It’s easy to be enticed by this promise – but the fact is, these systems are lacking in some of home security’s most important features. Here’s what they’re likely to be missing.


Easy installation sounds appealing – but if something is too simple to install, that should be an instant red flag. A quality home security system has mechanisms that require expert placement; otherwise, there will be gaps in the security it provides. This leaves your family and property at risk.


Believe it or not, DIY home security systems are not always the most cost-effective choice. Most DIY options are “bare bones” systems, with only a couple of sensors and no other motion detection devices. The manufacturer’s expectation is that you’ll need plenty of add-ons in order to make this system robust. Those are costs that add up quickly.


A plug and play system is unlikely to be adaptable to advancements in home security technology – and there are always advancements. With a system installed by a professional home security integrator, it will be easy to update your system over time whenever needed. As the user, the responsibility will be on us, rather than you, to keep your system working for years to come.


You should be able to think of your home security system as a lifeline, with an instant connection to police, fire departments and other emergency services. A DIY system without monitoring service does not have that connection.  If that’s the case, why have a system at all?
With a professionally installed and monitored system, you can have the lifeline you and your family deserve.
A DIY home security system is simply no substitute for one that is professionally installed and monitored by a home security integrator. To learn more about giving a home security system this holiday season, contact Commercial Fire & Security. We look forward to hearing from you.”
            Wayne, thank you for your perceptive words and allowing me to share them with the alarm industry.
            Happy holidays to all and happy and health New Year to everyone.

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Ken Kirschenbaum,Esq
Kirschenbaum & Kirschenbaum PC
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