August 19, 2015
Time to update those Nondiscrimination Policies!  In a recent "What's New" posting by the Office for Civil Rights (HIPAA Police), Brooklyn Hospital has entered into a Voluntary Resolution Agreement to resolve an open matter relating to Brooklyn Hospital's Non-discrimination policy by agreeing to revise its notice as follows - 

The revised notice shall state that TBHC does not discriminate on any ground prohibited by Federal law, including gender-based discrimination; provide the process for filing and resolving grievances about discrimination; and provide the title, telephone number, email address, functions and office location of the responsible employee designated by TBHC pursuant to [...] this Agreement. 

In addition to the amendment, Brooklyn Hospital is required to promulgate, within set designated timelines, its new policies, as well as implement a non-discriminatory process for assigning rooms for "to  ensure the safe, ethical, appropriate, and nondiscriminatory assignment of rooms for transgender patients.

Why is this news?  Well, by posting this Voluntary Resolution Agreement, OCR is letting us all know (whether publicly enough or not) that gender-based discrimination is now a recognized hot topic medical entities should be addressing to ensure proper patient care and protect against claims of discrimination. 

Protect your practice through policy and enforcement!  Call me or Erica for help with your policies.  

For the full Brooklyn Hospital agreement click here and bulletin click here.
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