September 14, 2018

Hi Jennifer, 

Thanks for Tuesday's article, but can you be more specific?  What are covering on the Webinar?   Can I use the NYS DOL sample policy and call it a day?  Will you train my staff?  

Thanks again,
Dr. S


Yes!  I can absolutely be more specific, and thanks for the follow up! Let's go a list - 

1.  What does (and elsewhere) mean?  All measures set forth herein - training, policy, complaint form, employee agreement with contractual protections - apply nationally as "recommended best practice" for employers - however, the steps are MANDATORY for NY.  

Because of NY's January 1, 2019 Training Requirement, we are reserving all training times for NY Employers.  Contact Taryn for all other States to schedule training and we will schedule for after 1/1/2019. 

2.   Thursday's Webinar- covering Mandatory Training Topics - webinar is not an employee training, we will cover the training topics, nuances of the new law related to arbitration and non-disclosure, and we will discuss exposure of Employee Non Compliance (Employee as perpetrator of SH against another Employee) as well as Employer exposure as Harasser; AND Employer protections from Employer as TARGET of Accusation; we will cover recommended PAPERWORK for all employers.  Other points re: Webinar -

3.   Yes, you can use the NYS DOL sample policy HOWEVER, the NYS DOL Policy DOES NOT contain the statutorily required Complaint Form AND it DOES NOT contain an Employee Acknowledgment and Agreement for Employees to Comply with the Policy, OR recommended/authorized Employer Contractual Protections.  

Yes, we are offering a solution for this.  During September, we are offering the following package for Sexual Harassment Policies, complaint forms and Employee Agreements:

NY SH Policies/Complaint Form/Employee Agreement = $425
(Description: Customized Policy, Complaint Form and Employee Agreement with contractual protections for employer and INDEMNIFICATION by Employee for Offenses)

Request assistance ordering from Taryn.

4.    Will you train my staff?    Yes.  During September we are offering the following package for training (paying is required in September*):

NY SH Employee Webinar Training - LIVE SESSION / Consult Beforehand (Day/Time at Your Convenience - LIVE Q&A for Staff) - $450
(Description:  You pick the day and time and we will provide a Live training session by webinar for your staff - we will consult with you beforehand by phone so we can best assess your main areas of concern, or potential practice weaknesses (patient exposure or staff, etc).  Opportunity to have Staff ask questions.)  

Request assistance reserving and scheduling with Taryn.

NY PACKAGE FLAT RATE (Webinar training and Policies/Agreement) = $800

Request assistance from Taryn.


Request assistance from Taryn.

*Scheduling constraints will require we know in advance our training commitments prior to the deadline of Year End.  We will not book training, by webinar or in person, without payment.  

5.   Who will do the training?  Totally depends on when you want to book.  If you want me, I'll do my best to be the one doing the training, but if it is not me, one of my employment attorney team members with more than 5+ years experience will handle.  If you do want me to do it, I recommend we do not wait and we book for mid-October, early November.  December is always a very busy time for deal closings.