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Comment on updating call list

August 23,  2021
Comment on updating call list from article on August 11,2021
    Just a comment on the updating call list topic raised by Jack. Although you are correct in that the initial call list is in writing, clients need to update them occasionally. Most should update them more often than they do as they forget. In our case, these updates are generally called in rather than doing up a whole new form since the changes are often to remove or add a single user.
    Jack was wondering if this should be in writing. If the updates are done directly by way of the subscriber calling the monitoring station, that call should be recorded, so I don’t think it needs to be in writing. If the updates are provided over an unrecorded line do you feel it’s necessary to get them confirmed in writing?
    I would be hard pressed to identify a more important document in the alarm -customer transaction than the Call List. We know that many, if not most, alarm claims involve monitoring, either signals never received, missed signals, miss interpreted signals and signals that are not communicated to the customer [to the customer's satisfaction or compliant with industry standards].
    When the problem is that the customer wasn't called or called timely, it needs to be the customer's fault, not yours. How do you think that's going to work out for you if you don't have the Call List in writing, signed by the customer?
    Another thought comes to mind. Every, any, reason to contact the customer is a "good thing", except of course when you're reporting your screw-up. Getting updated Call List is an opportunity to:
  * show your customer that you care enough about their security to keep on top of their account
  * suggest updating the security system
  * offer other products and services
  * get the contract updated and term extended
    So, can you rely on a phone call to the central station? I suppose, as long as your central station can find the recording, verify the caller and then verify the caller had the contractual authority to change the call list.
    K&K provides a Call List with the All in One agreements, along with a bunch of other documents we suggest you get signed, or in some cases, have to get signed in addition to the contract. Many central stations also provide their Call List form, which is fine, especially since they are the one making the call.
    This question comes to mind: Should you be on the Call List? You can be on for your own informational purposes [though you should be getting activity reports from your central station] but you should not replace the customer as the main contact person. Yes, you can, but you would be adding additional duties, responsibilities and risk; don't do it. You may think you are providing better service to your customer, but it's doubtful. Your customer should be responsible enough to provide a list of contacts.
    Using and updating Call Lists is the included in the "best business practices". We all get lazy and complacent managing our business. Don't resist good advice, just try and embrace it.

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Ken Kirschenbaum,Esq
Kirschenbaum & Kirschenbaum PC
Attorneys at Law
200 Garden City Plaza
Garden City, NY 11530
516 747 6700 x 301